Mary's Walk Williamsburg
10:00 AM10:00

Mary's Walk Williamsburg

Register Here!

Where: On the sidewalks and multi-use paths in Williamsburg, James City County and York County. The routes will be on sidewalks in the central Williamsburg area including Merchants Square, the College of William and Mary, Colonial Williamsburg, Midtown Row, New Town, and the Edge District.

What: An outdoor community-wide walking event for all ages emphasizing walking for health, active transportation, the environment – and fun! This is a “walk at your own pace, start any time, start anywhere” fun walk, not a race. All ages can participate. Distances from 1 to 10 miles. Participants can start at any point and walk any portion of the route.There will be entertainment, educational activities, garden tours, food and refreshment, and other activities along the route. Walkers will experience special places easily accessed by foot! in the central Williamsburg area. In addition to Route Maps, information on walking and walking infrastructure will serve to educate participants about BikeWalk Williamsburg.

Who: Participants who register online and sign a Release Form.

Cost: Free! (Donations Welcome) Goals: (1) kick-off May as National Walking Month, (2) offer an outdoor, active, fun event in which anyone can participate (3) showcase the best of a vibrant Williamsburg. Funds raised through sponsors and donations will be shared between BikeWalk Williamsburg and the Mary Turnbull Bike & Walk Fund at the Williamsburg Community Foundation.

Mary Turnbull died in March 2023 and was a founder and first president of the Williamsburg Area Bicyclists. She regularly walked several miles a day and bike commuted to her job as Librarian at Lafayette High.

Register Here!

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Smart Cycling Course
to Jun 29

Smart Cycling Course

A Smart Cycling class will be offered in Williamsburg Virginia on June 28 and 29th 2024. This fast pace course will increase your knowledge about bicycle mechanics, safety training and bicycle riding skills.. On Friday, the class will begin at 5:30pm at the Stryker Center and finish at 9:00pm.The classroom topics will cover bicycle knowledge, principles of traffic law and best practice riding techniques on the street. On Saturday, the class will begin at 9:00am and finish at 5:00pm with an hour break for lunch,The on bike training will include learning bike handling skills such as signaling, group riding, the avoidance weave, rock dodge and how to safely navigate road intersections. An option to complete the on bike training will be available in a covered garage area in the event of rain.

Participants will receive an official LAB certificate upon successful completion of the course. The Smart Cycling course is a prerequisite to become a League Certified Instructor.

The cost is $50.00 which includes the Smart Cycling manual and lunch on Saturday.

Class size is limited to 15 participants.

A $50.00 check should be sent to BikeWalk Williamsburg, PO Box 222, Williamsburg, VA 23187 along with your name, address, email and phone number.

The class is presented by BikeWalk Williamsburg and the City of Williamsburg Planning Department. Scholarships may be available through BikeWalk Williamsburg.

BikeWalk Williamsburg is a 501-c-3 Educational Organization.

Stryker Center
412 N Boundary Street
Williamsburg, VA 23187

Offered by:
Jim Gullo

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Bike MS: Colonial Crossroads 2024
to Jun 2

Bike MS: Colonial Crossroads 2024

Be a part of the next generation of Bike MS at Bike MS: Colonial Crossroads! This year’s ride will feature upgraded signage, exciting themed rest stops featuring our enthusiastic volunteers, and plenty of miles through the heart of Virginia’s Historic Triangle.

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Sentara Cap2Cap 2024 Ride
to May 11

Sentara Cap2Cap 2024 Ride

  • Chickahominy Riverfront Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Start and finish whenever and wherever you like to ride along the Virginia Capital Trail.  Enjoy the Party Zones at Chickahominy Riverfront Park on Friday or at Dorey Park on Saturday.  Riders will be supported by five Rest Stops over the 51.7 mile trail and will receive Cap2Cap merchandise, lunch, a beverage ticket, coupons, and more!

Register to support the Trail you love and enjoy a day (or two!) celebrating by cycling such an incredible resource!

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Bike The Bridge
8:00 AM08:00

Bike The Bridge

Three route options are available including 15, 25 and 50-mile routes--be sure to select your distance when you register. For event specific questions, phone Sarah at 757-259-5355 or email

Race check in and parking is located near the entrance of Jamestown Beach Event Park (2205 Jamestown Rd). All riders need to physically check in to receive route guidance, t-shirt and lunch coupon. Lunch distribution will also take place at the check in location.

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Tidewater Winter Classic
8:00 AM08:00

Tidewater Winter Classic

This 18th edition of the traditional Tidewater Winter Classic road race takes a 9.5 mile clockwise circuit, mostly flat with a climb near the KOA Campgrounds. Due to road conditions, the finish will be on Riverview Rd. prior to the turn onto York River Park Rd., instead of the traditional uphill sprint. Web Site

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Pedal the Parkway 2023
to May 7

Pedal the Parkway 2023

The National Park Service, with BikeWalk Williamsburg support, will close motor vehicle traffic on a portion of the Colonial National Historical Parkway, from Jamestown Settlement to the intersection with Highway 199 (Humelsyne Parkway) at Kingspoint Drive exit, from the evening of Friday 5 May to around noon on Sunday 7 May. Specific times will be updated on the National Park Service page (LINK), look under news or news releases.

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Conte's Monthly Shop Seminar Series
6:00 PM18:00

Conte's Monthly Shop Seminar Series

Great news! More opportunities to learn about your bike, how to take care of it, and how to deal with problems out on the road. The Conte's Crew now offers a monthly series of events aimed at answering all of your bike-related questions. Whether you want to learn how to fix a flat tire, clean your bike, or just get a better feel for general maintenance, Conte’s Crew has you covered! These classes will be held throughout the year on the last Monday of each month, around 6pm. More information here.

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Basic Bike Maintenance Classes
6:30 PM18:30

Basic Bike Maintenance Classes

  • James City County Recreation Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Now Registering!! FREE Basic Bike Maintenance Classes offered through JCC Parks & Rec. Our fantastic Bicycle Co-Op of Williamsburg and Girls in Gear mechanics will teach you the basics of maintaining your bike for safe & smooth cycling. FREE, ages 16 and above.

Three dates: Thursday 16 February 6:30 to 8:00 pm, Saturday 18 March 9:00 to 10:30 am, and Tuesday 06 April 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Limited capacity!

Register through JCC Parks & Rec Online Catalog:

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7:00 AM07:00

November Parkway Recreation Day

Sunday, November 6, the National Park Service staff will close the Colonial Parkway to vehicle access between Hwy 199/Kingspoint and Rt. 359 at Jamestown from 7:00 am-12:00 pm. Vehicle access will continue on Jamestown Island. Free parking is available at the Jamestown Settlement, 2110 Jamestown Rd. and at the National Park Service Visitor Center on Jamestown Island. Indoor restrooms are available at the Jamestown Visitor Center from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. daily and at the Jamestown Glasshouse. More information here.

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to Apr 24

Pedal the Parkway 2022

Friday April 22, 2022 at 7:00 am to Sunday April 24 at 6:00 pm the National Park Service, in cooperation with BikeWalk Williamsburg, will close eight miles of the Colonial Parkway to vehicular traffic for the 25th annual Pedal the Parkway. 

Take advantage of this rare chance to bike, walk or run the Colonial Parkway from Jamestown to Route 199 completely car-free.

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to Apr 25

Pedal the Parkway 2021

Come when you want, and ride/run/stroll as much or as little as you like. Enjoy a Car Free Colonial Parkway – FOR THREE WHOLE DAYS!

In celebration of National Parks Week, from April 23 at Sunrise to April 25 at Sunset the National Park Service with help from BikeWalk Williamsburg will close 8 miles of the Colonial Parkway to vehicular traffic for the 24th annual Pedal the Parkway.  This year will look a little different then before accommodate for COVID-19 safety measures.

Grab your pandemic pod for the rare chance to bike, walk or run the Colonial Parkway from Jamestown to Williamsburg completely car-free.  “Because we can’t have the usual party at Archer’s Hope this year we’re hoping that the three days will give everyone to enjoy the Parkway in a safe and fun way,” says Lauren Gurniewicz the Chief of Visitor Experience and Community Engagement at the park. “Even though the party won’t be there, it will still be an amazing community event.  It’s a wonderful chance to get riders who aren’t confident out on two wheels.  And at this point I know most of our community’s walkers and runners are looking for a change of scenery too!”

Eight miles of the Parkway will be closed to vehicular traffic between Jamestown Settlement to Newport Avenue in Williamsburg, allowing open access for all cyclists and pedestrians to enjoy the road together.  There will be a rest stop with bathroom accommodations at Archer’s Hope.  As always this event non-competitive, start when you like and suitable for all ages and abilities.

Reed Nester, former Planning Director for the City of Williamsburg, and avid cyclist says, “My wife and I have been participating in Pedal the Parkway for over 20 years. We use our tandem bicycle to ride the event and enjoy seeing all the families with all different sized bikes riding together and having fun. Everyone smiles at Pedal the Parkway.”

“You don’t have to be there right away since the event lasts all weekend.  So you can come when you can, ride as much, or as little, as you like, and have a lovely adventure enjoying one of our local treasures,” says Ryan Bedell a BikeWalk Williamsburg Board Member.  “My whole family enjoys riding.  We don’t go fast, but we have a ton of fun!” 

The event is free and held rain or shine.  All participants should socially distance outside of their pandemic pod and cyclists should wear helmets. 

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Bicycle Skills Rodeo
10:00 AM10:00

Bicycle Skills Rodeo

June 29, 2019 | 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Sentara Hospital Campus

A Bike Skills Rodeo includes a bike safety inspection and minor adjustments as well as a series of skills learning stations directly related to everyday bicycling situations. Skills assessed will include starting and stopping, safely exiting a driveway, looking for traffic, negotiating intersections and avoiding common road hazards. Free & open to the public.

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