Mary's Walk Williamsburg
Where: On the sidewalks and multi-use paths in Williamsburg, James City County and York County. The routes will be on sidewalks in the central Williamsburg area including Merchants Square, the College of William and Mary, Colonial Williamsburg, Midtown Row, New Town, and the Edge District.
What: An outdoor community-wide walking event for all ages emphasizing walking for health, active transportation, the environment – and fun! This is a “walk at your own pace, start any time, start anywhere” fun walk, not a race. All ages can participate. Distances from 1 to 10 miles. Participants can start at any point and walk any portion of the route.There will be entertainment, educational activities, garden tours, food and refreshment, and other activities along the route. Walkers will experience special places easily accessed by foot! in the central Williamsburg area. In addition to Route Maps, information on walking and walking infrastructure will serve to educate participants about BikeWalk Williamsburg.
Who: Participants who register online and sign a Release Form.
Cost: Free! (Donations Welcome) Goals: (1) kick-off May as National Walking Month, (2) offer an outdoor, active, fun event in which anyone can participate (3) showcase the best of a vibrant Williamsburg. Funds raised through sponsors and donations will be shared between BikeWalk Williamsburg and the Mary Turnbull Bike & Walk Fund at the Williamsburg Community Foundation.
Mary Turnbull died in March 2023 and was a founder and first president of the Williamsburg Area Bicyclists. She regularly walked several miles a day and bike commuted to her job as Librarian at Lafayette High.